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Three simple tips for writing more effective marketing copy

2 minute read by Chris Van Diepen

Posted on Oct 23, 2023

Last updated Sep 11, 2024

Whether we like it or not, we live in a fast-paced modern world, and it is absolutely full of marketing and advertising. To give a couple of examples, we typically only open around one-fifth of our emails, and on average, the number of ads we’re exposed to per day is in the thousands.

This means that, as a small business marketer creating content for a modern health or wellbeing audience, you’ll typically only have a very short window of time to attract your audience's attention, maintain their attention, and deliver your message among countless other business’ competing for their interest.

So with this in mind, let's look at some techniques you can use to streamline and optimise your marketing copy, one of the most important aspects of your marketing materials, so you can consistently create marketing materials that are engaging for your audience — and a pleasure to read.

What is marketing copy?

‘Marketing copy’ is a term used to describe the text content you use in your marketing materials. For example, this could be the text content you just wrote for your latest marketing email, blog post, or any other kind of marketing material that includes written text content, such as your website, or your business’ promotional leaflets or brochures.

What makes for effective marketing copy?

Effective marketing copy is purposeful and always offers something of value or interest to the reader. It is ideally written with a specific marketing end-goal in mind that moves the reader further down the sales funnel (or closer towards an eventual sale).

However, this doesn’t mean it needs to be forceful, pushy or blunt - in fact, writing like that can be detrimental to your marketing efforts, and off-putting to your audience. What it does mean, however, is that it should usually be focused and efficient in it’s delivery, respecting your audience’s time, and offer quick and accessible value to your consumers.

Tips for more effective writing

Here are three ways you can write more effective marketing copy for your audience:

1. Focus on just one main idea

For each marketing email (aside from an email newsletter), blog post, social post, or any other piece of written marketing content, try focusing on just one topic or idea. It’s much easier for your audience to absorb information that maintains a strong focus on one key idea than one which introduces several ideas at once.

2. Cut text wherever possible

As you’re reading through and editing your copy, look for opportunities to reduce the amount of words you’re using to communicate your thoughts and ideas. Unlike creative writing, in marketing, if there is a simpler or more concise way of putting something, often it will be the best option to use (unless expressive or elaborate language is one of your business characteristics).

3. Organise content into chunks

Text copy is much more pleasant and convenient to read when it’s organised into easily-digestible pieces. You can make use of text formatting techniques like headings, sub-headings, bullet points, italics and call-outs throughout your copy to give a sense of order, draw attention to key areas and create visual interest in what you’ve written, just like in this blog post.

Bonus tip: Link to more information elsewhere

If you’ve got a lot to say, think about creating two versions of your copy - a shortened version, and a complete (or 'full') version. You can then distribute the shortened version to your audience, and provide a link to the complete version on your website if they’re interested in reading more. Depending on the distribution method, you may also be able to track exactly who clicks your link, which can help you learn more about the individual members of your audience.


Writing engaging, time-conscious marketing copy is an important marketing skill that will reduce mental barriers to the consumption of your content, and encourage your audience to engage more fully with your well-prepared thoughts, ideas and offers.

By consistently respecting your audience’s time, and showing care and attention to detail in your use of language and your communication overall, your audience will come to form positive associations with your marketing, and by extension, your business, making them much more likely to open that new email or read that new blog post you've been working on.

For more marketing strategy tips and advice like this, check out my Marketing Strategy For Beginners guide, or subscribe to my mailing list for regular updates about new blog posts.

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About the author

Chris combines a mindful approach to freelance design with over ten years of experience designing marketing materials for clients in the health and wellbeing space.

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