Contact me

Feel free to get in touch via any of the methods listed below:

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Click the button below to book a free Discovery Call over the phone (I'll make sure we have plenty of time to chat about your ideas, thoughts or requirements):

Book a call

Click the button below to access my mobile phone contact details:

Visit Google Profile

Note: If possible, please send me a quick text before you call so I know you're not a scam/spam caller as I get a lot of these kinds of calls.

For face-to-face online meetings, I offer a free Discover Call (via Zoom) for new clients:

Book a free Discovery Call

For physical meetings, I'm currently based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. If you're in the area, I offer a free 90 minute in-person meeting for new clients.

You can connect with me personally on LinkedIn, and follow my Healthy Designs accounts on LinkedIn, Instagram, WhatsApp and YouTube for design and marketing tips and tricks, creative inspiration, live chat, business updates and more.


Click here to send me a direct email.


Click here to book a free Discovery Call (via phone or video conference) or here to send me a WhatsApp message.


You can connect with me professionally on LinkedIn, or follow my Healthy Designs brand accounts on LinkedIn, Instagram, WhatsApp and YouTube for design and marketing tips and tricks, creative inspiration, live chat, business updates and more.


For physical meetings, I'm currently based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. If you're in the area, I offer a free 90 minute in-person meeting for new clients.

Join my mailing list

I send regular helpful emails full of handy marketing tips and tricks, and no spam. It's 100% free for all to join, and you can opt-out any time.

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