Branding design

I offer a specialised branding design service for the health sector and wellbeing space.

Chris working on laptop

Thinking of hiring me?

I create eye-catching branding designs that truly capture the heart and soul of my clients' businesses.

What is branding?

'Branding' refers to the stylistic system your business uses in its visual communication. It often incorporates a variety of visual brand elements (think logos, typography, colours and more).

Screenshot of design work being performed on Lavana Sanctuary branded graphic with floating software panels
Lavana Sanctuary Magazine Advertisement

The benefit

Strong branding design can help your business communicate in a structured, purposeful, authentic and consistent way – which is critical when it comes to creating engaging marketing materials.

Branding elements

Swipe/click to browse the branding elements I can design or curate for your business:



Brandmarks (also known as logos) help to increase brand recognition and create a valuable first impression on your audience.



Iconography (or icons for short) helps your business to communicate in a purposeful and visually engaging way.



Strategic font pairings and a consistent way of writing and speaking will help to express your brand's character/voice tone.


Imagery Styles

Strong photographic and illustrative styles will allow your brand to showcase it's unique character and personality.


Design Treatments

Using visual treatments consistently lends character, purpose and familiarity to your marketing materials.


Colour Palettes

Careful colour selection can help you hit the right emotional notes and create a purposeful impression on your audience.

  • Brandmarks

    Brandmarks (also known as logos) help to increase brand recognition and create an important first impression on your audience.

    Designing Your Branding Illustration
  • Iconography

    Iconography (or icons for short) helps your business to communicate in a purposeful and visually engaging way.

    Designing Your Branding Illustration
  • Typography

    Strategic font pairings and a consistent way of writing and speaking will help to express your brand's character and tone of voice.

    Designing Your Branding Illustration
  • Imagery Styles

    Strong photographic and illustrative styles will allow your brand to showcase it's unique character and personality.

    Designing Your Branding Illustration
  • Design Treatments

    Using visual treatments consistently lends character, purpose and familiarity to your marketing materials.

    Designing Your Branding Illustration
  • Colour Palettes

    Careful colour selection can help you hit the right emotional notes and create a purposeful impression on your audience.

    Designing Your Branding Illustration


Here's a step-by-step breakdown of a typical branding design project with me:

  • Part 1

    Discovery Meeting

  • Part 2

    Concept Development

  • Part 3

    Feedback & Adjustments

  • Part 4

    Style Guide Development



Here are some of the qualities that make my branding projects unique:

Simplicity Line Icon


I know that branding design can be daunting for small businesses, so I always have it in mind to keep things as simple and clear as possible.

Flexibility Line Icon


We can work on as few or as many branding elements as you like, so we can take things at a pace you're comfortable with.

Structure Line Icon


My simple and transparent design process offers piece of mind for new clients and branding beginners, so you always know what to expect.

Versatility Line Icon


I also offer additional services in the areas of audience targeting and marketing material design, so there's plenty of room for growth when you work with me.

Learn more

You can book a free intro call with me, where you can ask me any questions you may have about this service. Alternatively you can drop me an email.

Get started

Head on over to my contact form to request a free quote or send me a private message.

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